Black braided horizontal with black beads

Black braided horizontal with black beads

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Post Op Haze

Yesterday was quite a day. To say the least, anyway.

After being stuck my three times with the IV and waiting for 3 hours, I was finally wheeled into surgery. It was questionable whether or not the acl needed to be replaced but the cartilage needed to be fixed without a doubt. The surgeon removed my screw and saw that my acl was indeed torn. He replaced it with a patella tendon graft and fixed the cartilage. I was in surgery for 4 hours, while Roger paced the halls of the hospital, wondering why the waiting room phone was not ringing with updates.

All I remember is being wheeled down a hall, having the plastic mask put on my face and then I was in the post op area. The surgeon yelled to me across the room that yes, the acl had been replaced. My heart sank but I accepted that it had been done for a good reason.

Right now I am on the coach at Roger's, icing my rubber leg, and feeling out of it from the pain killers. I am concerned but hopeful. Roger has been wonderful and I am so lucky to be with him!
Acceptance Mark

I'm in the silver helmet and purple and blue jumpsuit

AFF Course with Jay Stokes