Ok, I'm not a Brittany Spears fan at all and that was an incredibly cheesy subject line; but fitting nonetheless. I tore up my left knee last Sunday on a jump. It's weird how there was no wind that day when we have been having such high wind days in Texas since the beginning of the year. I damaged the mcl and the cartilage but I don't know the extent of it yet. I see the doctor in about 2 hours and I will found out whether or not I am going to get surgery. If I do need it, it'll be my fourth knee surgery.
Needless to say, I am royally pissed. I am angry at myself that I broke myself. After 940 jumps, I'd think that I would know better by now. I guess not. I am most angry that I cannot workout. The last time I injured my knee I put on a lot of weight and I got very depressed. I am a gym-a-holic and I am already going into withdrawal! I just purchased 18 sessions with my personal trainer before the accident, and I'm not about to quit now. So I'm going to work on keeping the habit of going to the gym and not losing the upper body strength that I worked so hard to get. I can finally steer and flare the SETS 400 canopy all on my own, and I don't want to lose that strength either.
So I'm just taking it one day at a time and keeping my chin up. This is only a temporary phase in my life (I got over the elbow injury, didn't I?) and I've got to work my way through it.
I'm not a Miley Cyrus fan by any means but I love the lyrics to this song (it gives me strength):
There's always gonna be another mountain
Always gonna want to make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb!
Here's to staying strong!!!
3 Ring Necklaces are skydiving-themed necklaces that are made of 3 nickel-plated rings. Assembled to imitate the 3 ring release system, they are laced with durable leather cord. Animal-friendly cord is available. Decorated with colorful beads on the black or brown cord, it closes with a lobster-claw clasp. Each handcrafted necklace is truly unique & shows your individual style! Necklaces are $15 or 2 for $25. Price includes shipping. Email 3ringnecklace@gmail.com to order.
Black braided horizontal with black beads
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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I'm in the silver helmet and purple and blue jumpsuit
AFF Course with Jay Stokes
May I know did U use the hemp knots for making these 3 ring necklaces?
Bill Booth says he wants money for the design. He'll be in touch.
Holy crap. My name is fucklife through Google Accounts. I must've been really drunk and no getting laid. Changing immediately.
Holy shit. My google account's name is "fucklife". I must've really been drunk and not getting laid. Changing immediately.
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