It's been over two months since my knee surgery and what a journey it has been. Between laying on the couch for 6 weeks using a CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) machine for 6 hours a day, non-weight bearing on crutches for 6 weeks, dealing with narcotics withdrawal, and watching my quad muscles disappear before my very eyes, I have been trying to stay upbeat. For the most part I have been mentally ok, but there were days were I would just sob and all Roger could do was hold me. He'd tell me encouraging things, such as I'm a strong person and that I'm going to get through this. He felt that he wasn't helping at all, but truly it was the best thing anyone could ever do for me.
There were other times when I realized that the best medicine does not come in a bottle. During my most painful hours of the night, my cat Lily would climb up unto my chest and start purring. She's look at me as if she were saying, "Well, are you just going to lay there or are you going to pet me?!"
I'm no longer on crutches. I walked with a cane for a while, but I'm not using that anymore either. My biggest challenge right now is my leg extension- getting the lower part of my leg to swing to full extension when I'm walking. I also don't have my full flexion back either, which has been a very painful journey in and of itself.
But what is keeping me sane right now is reminding myself of how far I have come, rather than how far I have to go. I'm walking, I can take a shower standing up, I'm not on pain medicine, and I'm back at work. Hopefully in two months from now, I'll have double the improvement that I have now. :)
3 Ring Necklaces are skydiving-themed necklaces that are made of 3 nickel-plated rings. Assembled to imitate the 3 ring release system, they are laced with durable leather cord. Animal-friendly cord is available. Decorated with colorful beads on the black or brown cord, it closes with a lobster-claw clasp. Each handcrafted necklace is truly unique & shows your individual style! Necklaces are $15 or 2 for $25. Price includes shipping. Email to order.
Black braided horizontal with black beads
Friday, December 17, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Post Op Haze
Yesterday was quite a day. To say the least, anyway.
After being stuck my three times with the IV and waiting for 3 hours, I was finally wheeled into surgery. It was questionable whether or not the acl needed to be replaced but the cartilage needed to be fixed without a doubt. The surgeon removed my screw and saw that my acl was indeed torn. He replaced it with a patella tendon graft and fixed the cartilage. I was in surgery for 4 hours, while Roger paced the halls of the hospital, wondering why the waiting room phone was not ringing with updates.
All I remember is being wheeled down a hall, having the plastic mask put on my face and then I was in the post op area. The surgeon yelled to me across the room that yes, the acl had been replaced. My heart sank but I accepted that it had been done for a good reason.
Right now I am on the coach at Roger's, icing my rubber leg, and feeling out of it from the pain killers. I am concerned but hopeful. Roger has been wonderful and I am so lucky to be with him!
After being stuck my three times with the IV and waiting for 3 hours, I was finally wheeled into surgery. It was questionable whether or not the acl needed to be replaced but the cartilage needed to be fixed without a doubt. The surgeon removed my screw and saw that my acl was indeed torn. He replaced it with a patella tendon graft and fixed the cartilage. I was in surgery for 4 hours, while Roger paced the halls of the hospital, wondering why the waiting room phone was not ringing with updates.
All I remember is being wheeled down a hall, having the plastic mask put on my face and then I was in the post op area. The surgeon yelled to me across the room that yes, the acl had been replaced. My heart sank but I accepted that it had been done for a good reason.
Right now I am on the coach at Roger's, icing my rubber leg, and feeling out of it from the pain killers. I am concerned but hopeful. Roger has been wonderful and I am so lucky to be with him!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Not again!
Roger, my boyfriend (who is also a skydiver), and I went for a hot air balloon jump the day before Labor Day. Long story short, I damaged my right knee and I'm going to need surgery next month. I am still on crutches after 9 days, but the swelling is down and my range of motion is slowly coming back. I won't be able to jump for at least another 7 months. I am not happy with myself at all :( I am trying to keep myself busy by paying more attention to promoting my necklaces.
If you haven't seen my new designs, check out 3 Ring Necklace on Facebook. Any necklace you see can be made as a horizontal design, mini 3 ring or a bracelet!
If you haven't seen my new designs, check out 3 Ring Necklace on Facebook. Any necklace you see can be made as a horizontal design, mini 3 ring or a bracelet!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Well the rain finally cleared up last Saturday after waiting patiently until 5:00pm. I was able to get my hop and pop, and a kiss pass jump with my sweetie. Then the bad weather rolled in again and we called it a day. I would have been perfectly happy with those two jumps, but the weather gods smiled on the dropzone once more on Sunday. Blue skies, nice wind (a little bumpy though), and four marvelous jumps. I would have made one more jump, but I discovered a nickel-sized hole in my pilot chute. I bumped off the load so I could get it replaced. That was a $100 surprise!
It's so nice to be back in the air again! I'm not running yet, or doing tandems, but just being able to jump again is a blessing.
It's so nice to be back in the air again! I'm not running yet, or doing tandems, but just being able to jump again is a blessing.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Rain, rain, go away
It's been 7 weeks since I injured my knee, and thankfully, I didn't require surgery. Now that I have my knee brace, and I'm at the dropzone, of course it is raining! I was so excited all week long to be able to jump this weekend for the first time in 7 weeks, but Mother Nature has other plans. I am patiently waiting for the weather to clear, at the same time, contemplating giving up and leaving the dropzone. Here's hoping that the weather will clear and I can get at least a hop and pop to end my jumpless streak!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
4 weeks down
It's been four weeks since injuring my knee. It turns out that I sublexed my knee cap and I sprained my MCL. No damage to the ACL or cartilage, and thankfully, no surgery is needed. There is no more swelling and I am attending physical therapy twice a week. I have about 3-4 more weeks to go before I'll be back in the air. Hopefully, that time will fly by, rather than creeping along (because it feels like it's creepy along very slowly!).
In the meantime, I am busy updating my beads and making new designs. I have posted new pictures here and on Facebook. If you haven't become a fan, add 3 Ring Necklace on today!
Skydive Dallas has added 3 Ring Necklace to their gear shop. So if you're in the area, stop on by and check them out in person. The pictures really don't give them justice!
Lastly, 3 Ring Necklace has been selected as Artist of the Month from Jenafusion. Check out the posting on for full details. Thanks Jenafusion!!
In the meantime, I am busy updating my beads and making new designs. I have posted new pictures here and on Facebook. If you haven't become a fan, add 3 Ring Necklace on today!
Skydive Dallas has added 3 Ring Necklace to their gear shop. So if you're in the area, stop on by and check them out in person. The pictures really don't give them justice!
Lastly, 3 Ring Necklace has been selected as Artist of the Month from Jenafusion. Check out the posting on for full details. Thanks Jenafusion!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Opps I did it again
Ok, I'm not a Brittany Spears fan at all and that was an incredibly cheesy subject line; but fitting nonetheless. I tore up my left knee last Sunday on a jump. It's weird how there was no wind that day when we have been having such high wind days in Texas since the beginning of the year. I damaged the mcl and the cartilage but I don't know the extent of it yet. I see the doctor in about 2 hours and I will found out whether or not I am going to get surgery. If I do need it, it'll be my fourth knee surgery.
Needless to say, I am royally pissed. I am angry at myself that I broke myself. After 940 jumps, I'd think that I would know better by now. I guess not. I am most angry that I cannot workout. The last time I injured my knee I put on a lot of weight and I got very depressed. I am a gym-a-holic and I am already going into withdrawal! I just purchased 18 sessions with my personal trainer before the accident, and I'm not about to quit now. So I'm going to work on keeping the habit of going to the gym and not losing the upper body strength that I worked so hard to get. I can finally steer and flare the SETS 400 canopy all on my own, and I don't want to lose that strength either.
So I'm just taking it one day at a time and keeping my chin up. This is only a temporary phase in my life (I got over the elbow injury, didn't I?) and I've got to work my way through it.
I'm not a Miley Cyrus fan by any means but I love the lyrics to this song (it gives me strength):
There's always gonna be another mountain
Always gonna want to make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb!
Here's to staying strong!!!
Needless to say, I am royally pissed. I am angry at myself that I broke myself. After 940 jumps, I'd think that I would know better by now. I guess not. I am most angry that I cannot workout. The last time I injured my knee I put on a lot of weight and I got very depressed. I am a gym-a-holic and I am already going into withdrawal! I just purchased 18 sessions with my personal trainer before the accident, and I'm not about to quit now. So I'm going to work on keeping the habit of going to the gym and not losing the upper body strength that I worked so hard to get. I can finally steer and flare the SETS 400 canopy all on my own, and I don't want to lose that strength either.
So I'm just taking it one day at a time and keeping my chin up. This is only a temporary phase in my life (I got over the elbow injury, didn't I?) and I've got to work my way through it.
I'm not a Miley Cyrus fan by any means but I love the lyrics to this song (it gives me strength):
There's always gonna be another mountain
Always gonna want to make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb!
Here's to staying strong!!!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Barbed Wire 3 Ring Necklace
Using a suggestion from a 3 Ring Necklace fan (thanks Hal!), I ordered leather barbed wire cord. The necklaces look fantastic!! Pics are coming soon!
In my neck of the woods, I make been making great progress with tandems. I can fly them and land them all on my own. My accuracy is getting better, but it still needs some work. I have even begun to land them on our feet. Well, the high Texas winds have been helpful too! ;) I now have over 100 tandems. I want to do at least 200 more by the end of the year. Skydive 35 is getting a turbo charged 206, which will be great! I checked my log book today, and I saw that I haven't jumped a turbine aircraft for a YEAR. Yikes! I really miss Otters! I love Skydive 35 though even though we have Cessna 182s. The people are great and I have a lot of fun. If you're ever in central/north Texas, come check us out!
In my neck of the woods, I make been making great progress with tandems. I can fly them and land them all on my own. My accuracy is getting better, but it still needs some work. I have even begun to land them on our feet. Well, the high Texas winds have been helpful too! ;) I now have over 100 tandems. I want to do at least 200 more by the end of the year. Skydive 35 is getting a turbo charged 206, which will be great! I checked my log book today, and I saw that I haven't jumped a turbine aircraft for a YEAR. Yikes! I really miss Otters! I love Skydive 35 though even though we have Cessna 182s. The people are great and I have a lot of fun. If you're ever in central/north Texas, come check us out!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Mother Nature is such a tease
After no jumping for three weekends, last weekend we finally got a break in the weather. I was able to do four jumps and it felt great to get back in the air!! I didn't do any tandems though because my knee still has some healing to do. By that fourth jump, my knee was killing me but I did it anyway. In the meantime, Mother Nature has been playing some mean tricks on Texas. It has been beautiful for most of the week but it is calling for clouds and rain during the weekend. Pooh. :( Another weekend of no jumping is not sitting well with me- how do whuffos do it????
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Another Bump in the Road - Literally
In November, I noticed I was having some pain in my knee at the site of one of my screws. I have my acl repaired when I was 17, and as a result, two screws were put into my knee. The pain eventually went away, but a bump appeared instead. It got worse and worse. I finally was able to see a doctor about it. Long story short, I had a cyst growing from inside the screw. Yesterday, the screw was taken out and is now on a necklace hanging from my neck! I am already off crutches and I can be back to jumping in eight weeks. The hole in my bone will fill in with new bone by then. Right now I'm enjoying a Vicodin fog. Hopefully by time that I'll be back in the air, the weather will have cleared up. Here's hoping!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
New Designs are HERE!
Check out my latest designs! 3 Ring Necklace now features woven designs in both leather and even hemp. Knot Crazy is making a debut too.
Of course, any design can be custom made to suit your individual tastes. All designs are available in animal-friendly materials too! Blue skies!!!!
Of course, any design can be custom made to suit your individual tastes. All designs are available in animal-friendly materials too! Blue skies!!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
GOALS for 2010!
Resolutions anyone? For me, I don't make New Years resolutions. I make GOALS. Last year, my goals were to:
1) lower my body fat percentage
2) become a tandem and an AFF instructor
3) run a 5K
4) fly camera
I have achieved all of those goals when I:
1) lost 10 pounds
2) got both of my instructor ratings
3) ran in three 5Ks
4) fly camera when I'm not throwing drogues
This year, my goals are:
1) scuba trip (I already have my open water cert)
2) wind tunnel trip (Skyventure in Denver)
3) boogie trip (TBD)
4) run a 10K
I plan on making a trip to a boogie to sell some necklaces, make new friends, do some jumps, and celebrate the good times. I'm not sure where or when the trip will take place, but it is certainly going to be this year (how vague is that?!). I'd also like to get some more tunnel time and make some jumps in Colorado.
All the best for your 2010 goals!!
1) lower my body fat percentage
2) become a tandem and an AFF instructor
3) run a 5K
4) fly camera
I have achieved all of those goals when I:
1) lost 10 pounds
2) got both of my instructor ratings
3) ran in three 5Ks
4) fly camera when I'm not throwing drogues
This year, my goals are:
1) scuba trip (I already have my open water cert)
2) wind tunnel trip (Skyventure in Denver)
3) boogie trip (TBD)
4) run a 10K
I plan on making a trip to a boogie to sell some necklaces, make new friends, do some jumps, and celebrate the good times. I'm not sure where or when the trip will take place, but it is certainly going to be this year (how vague is that?!). I'd also like to get some more tunnel time and make some jumps in Colorado.
All the best for your 2010 goals!!
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I'm in the silver helmet and purple and blue jumpsuit
AFF Course with Jay Stokes